Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Update 24 Hours Into This Project

1. In the 24 hours since this blog was published we've had 792 hits
That's phenomenal.  Thanks to everyone who has spread the word.  Please keep it up.

2.  The puppies being kept in the bizarre, cruel, cramped enclosure using the air conditioner and one panel of fencing , WERE STILL THERE TODAY.  Did AC even go out?  We want to know.  Folks, it's time to get on the phones. 

3. In one of the comments it was suggested that we do a petition.  Personally, I've never found petitions to be effective.  It's far too easy for the recipient to glance at it and hit delete.   What is effective?  A DEMONSTRATION.  There's no ignoring a large group of people with large signs.  For now, lets give Monroe a little time to get their act together. 

4. Some have written in wanting to help and wanting to know what they can do.  We are well staffed with volunteers and their trusty cameras.  That said, if any readers see abused, neglected pets make sure you notify AC.  Note the day, time and who you talked to.  If you get no results, we want to know about it.  Send pictures and any info you can to 

1 comment:

  1. These dogs would be better off humanely euthanized than to live this way...what is wrong with the authorities in Monroe and other places...are they blind, deaf, retarded, no compassion???? There are rescue groups that would help find these dogs/cats lovimg homes where their medical and other needs are met.

    Too bad the people doing and allowing this to happen without taking measures to stop the torture, abuse of these animals isn't left tied up in filth with no food, water or shelter. Pitiful excuse for human beings, for sure.

    Linda Brown
    Charlotte, NC 28214
