I'll tell you all about the day. First, some justly deserved acknowledgements:
1. JoAnn B. our amazing volunteer who coordinated today's massive efforts. Seriously, I don't know how she did it.

3. The Monroe Police Department and their Animal Control. Today we were escorted from home to home by Captain Beth Greene, Lieutenants TJ Goforth, Renee & Javier and one whose name I believe is Paul. All I can say is that Monroe is VERY lucky to have people like this on their police force. A few words that come to mind to describe them: kind, caring, compassionate, hard working and funny too.
4. Last but not least, our anonymous guardian angel who paid for everything; the kennels, igloos, food and chew toys!! We're talking thousands of dollars, all to help these chained dogs. What a blessing.

Our first stop was to the home of Snoop, the Boxer. You may remember him from his picture a couple weeks ago. He was a miserable looking fellow, stuck on a chain with no way to exercise.
Today Snoop got a 10 x 20 kennel and new Igloo dog house. Look at him now.
The first thing he did was mark his pen and dog house then he rolled around before he settled down with a new chew toy. His stubby little tail didn't stop wagging! His owner was told about the Humane Society's offer to neuter him for free. She'll be calling to book his appointment.
Next stop a few streets over where we went to give an Igloo to a dog in need. While we were there we noticed a puppy chained to a porch across the street so we went over. The lady said we could take the 1 year old dog, chained at the side of the house. This is a 1 year old Lab/mix, as sweet as can be.

From there we went to the home of the chained white Chihuahua. You might remember her from a couple weeks ago when we wondered if she were pregnant. There's no wondering any more. I can't even imagine a dog having puppies in such a nasty pen.
She got a new large kennel and Igloo house. Look at her now.
In case you're wondering about the chains. All were given to us in exchange for the dog kennels, igloos etc. We weren't taking any chances that those chains would be used again.
Inside this same home were 8 Dachshund/mix puppies. This is where they're living. The owner has promised two so that leaves six. She's agreed to give them to rescue. WBTV News was there and filmed the puppies. Its dire that we get a rescue for these puppies now.
They're 7 weeks old, short legs and absolutely darling. Here are the six pups with three of Monroe's finest!
The next stop was a home with 4 large chained dogs. We put the 10 x 20 kennels up like townhomes so they've got shared walls, so to speak. While the men from Lowes were installing the kennels the dogs all got chew dogs to keep them busy and happy. The dogs were about to experience real happiness.
Check out this video of the dogs when there were taken off the chains and released into the kennels.
Before we go to the next home we thought you'd like to see the
chains that were removed from the 4 dogs. These nasty looking things weighed over 16 pounds.
At this point we had 6 dogs off the chains and still had 8 to go!
Next it was off to a home with 6 chained dogs. One of them is a nursing momma with four 3 week old babies. Yes, we all know there's an ordinance limiting the number of dogs to 2 but what were we to do? Pick two dogs for kennels? Send the others to the gas chamber? No way. They all got kennels!
Remember the "air conditioner" pups from a couple weeks ago?
The female was given into rescue and will be adopted this week. The male puppy, named Romeo, was given away by the owner before we could find a rescue to take him.

Romeo! Chained!!
Rescues, the new owners will give him up. We need a rescue now. Please help. He's totally sweet and desperately needs someone / some group to give him a chance.
This home has the momma and four 3 week old pups. They've agreed to give up 2 of the puppies. Again, we need a rescue for the 2 babies. They need to go in 2 - 3 weeks. For now they're nursing. Please, there has to be a reputable rescue somewhere out there who will take two Pit babies. I believe they're both female.
The 6 chained dogs are all in roomy kennels now. If you look to the left of this picture you'll see how they were living. To the right you'll see the kennels lined up townhouse style.
The chains from these 6 dogs were so heavy that when I put them in bags to take them away, they were so heavy I couldn't carry them. I think they had to weigh 40 pounds easy. I can carry a 28 pound container of cat litter with no problem but I could not carry those chains. One of the men from Lowe's carried them for me. They will NEVER be used again.
The day was getting late but there was still one house to go. The final two dogs of the day: UNCHAINED. Two happy dogs and a grateful family. We have found one for one that people are happy to see us and want help for their pets. We're glad to help!
That's all for today. We're not done and will be back. For now, we need rescues for the litter of 6, the two 3 week old Pit pups, the Lab with the rope burns and for Romeo the Pit pup.
We're all amazed at what can be done on a grassroots level. Incredible things happen when caring people come together to better conditions in their community. It doesn't get any better.
Thank you, thank you , thank you for what you are doing!
ReplyDeleteYou rock people! Keep on keepin' on! Anything I can help with?
DeleteI'm going to email you with the three that urgently need rescue. Well, it's three if we count six puppies as "one"!If you could help pass the word, that would be great.
Thank you!
This is really good news for a change! A special *THANK YOU* to the Monroe Police Dept for all their help and being officers that we can truly be proud of!!! Thank you to each and every volunteer/donor! What a wonderful update!
ReplyDeleteAWESOME! Praying for all the little ones that need rescue. ESPECIALLY ROMEO!!!
ReplyDeleteYou are doing wonderful work, bless you and thank you!
ReplyDeleteBrilliant work!!!