Thursday, February 9, 2012

Amazing Update 3:30pm Thursday


Just got a call from one of our fearless volunteers.  She reports that the Monroe police and Animal Control are "all over East Ave".  She said there are 5 police and AC vehicles in total and they're going door to door!!! 

Remember the home with the puppies in that bizarre air conditioning pen?  The police "have the owners outside" and "it's not a very happy looking scene".
She also reports that ALL the dogs now have food and water.  Also, the dog on the 2 foot chain, is now on a 10 foot chain.  Still a lousy chain but as least the poor thing can move around.

Remember the tan dog with the so-called dog house that was broken in two pieces?  He now has a real dog house.

This is phenomenal and it's thanks to everyone who's done their part, whether it be taking pictures, writing emails, calling the powers that be or spreading the word about these poor pets.  

ps.  Keep checking back.  As one of our other fearless volunteers said, "There's no finish line in sight"


  1. What a phenomenal volunteer!

  2. Many thanks to the volunteers who are taking pictures and making all this public with this blog and their voice. When you live in areas like this that often have drug dealers, gangs, and other criminal activity it's not always easy to make public complaints because your safety and that of your family and your own pets can be compromised. Some people who live in quiet middle or upper class neighborhoods might not understand this, but it is a valid fear for people who live in lower socioeconomic areas. I hope you don't stop here because there are many more neighborhoods in the City of Monroe that need this, and many more dogs and their concerned yet fearful neighbors who need help.

    It's about time The City did their jobs and I hope they handed out a lot of citations. These dogs are fed today and maybe some people picked up some trash, but unless you give these people a reason to actually change their nasty habits, they'll just eventually go back to the way we saw it all yesterday. This is what that citation book is for. You can't make most people change deep down inside, but when they have to start handing money over to the judge (and I might add that it will be a fine + a hefty court fee...), at least some people will change their nasty ways. I've seen it happen with my own neighbors who now do the right thing, even if it is only because they can't afford another fine.

    Which brings me to another thing: you city council people need to get off your hind quarters and take a good look at what is happening in your City, and make some better laws so this place can be cleaned up. It's disgusting, not only the way animals are treated here (and I'd like to add that I've never seen such terrible animal neglect in my whole life as I have here) but the condition of The City in general is disgusting as well.

    Which brings me to yet another thing: we all can see these things just driving down the street, and it's not just in these somewhat hidden neighborhoods like in this blog but also on well traveled roads leading right into downtown Monroe, so we know animal control, the police patrol officers, code enforcement...hell even the mayor and city council...can see the same things we see...all the neglected dogs, trash piled up in people's yards, garbage blowing around...numerous code violations...just driving into downtown to go to work. So, why don't you slacker City employees start opening your eyes and handing out citations BEFORE you are embarrassed into action? Hmmm??? Why do you have to wait for someone to complain when you can see all this nastiness and decay with your own eyes??? I, as a tax paying, registered voter, think you all should be FIRED.

    1. to Anon @ 4:44pm,
      FABULOUS comment!

    2. Perhaps fresh eyes are required... they have probably been looking at these disgusting conditions for so long that it looks normal to them. Either that or there is some motive for looking in the other direction. Which do you suppose it is??

  3. @A Voter - I think both are true, and I think they are more concerned about driving nice, shiny new cars and SUVs...
