Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Comment For ALL to Read

This is very important in light of the response the woman got today when she phoned the Monroe Police Dept asking for someone to check on 3 Pits.  She was told they'd leave a message for AC when they returned on Monday.  Mind you, she told them the dogs had no food, no water, two were chained and none had doghouses AND that it is going to be the coldest night of the year.  She insisted they do something and she was put through to "the Chief". 

Here's the comment:
"Yes, don't ever let them tell you that it has to wait until Monday. If it is the weekend, the police are supposed to investigate all calls concerning animals, and if necessary they will call out an animal control officer.

However, for future reference, this is what a police patrol officer told me to do: you should call this number 704-289-1591 rather than calling the police directly. This number goes directly to a 911 operator and the police are absolutely required to respond RIGHT AWAY when you call this number, no questions asked.

Also, if you live in one of these nasty neighborhoods and wish to remain anonymous so that you do not become the target of your nasty, hostile neighbors you must tell the 911 operator this. And, please, all you people who live in nice middle class neighborhoods and have no idea what it's like to live in these areas must realize that people who live in these nasty neighborhoods are indeed compromising their safety if they call the police on their neighbors. This is REALITY and this is why some of us wish to remain anonymous, and why we are also grateful for you people who don't live here who are helping these dogs. Thank you."

1 comment:

  1. I am loving this project! I'm getting chill bumps reading it. Is there a Facebook page I can ''like''? I don't want to miss any stories and I would like to be involved in any way I can. -Angela, Portsmouth, VA.
