There are fates worse than death. Look at the face of this Boxer and tell me if you don't think he's living proof. This poor dog has that look of total resignation to a life of misery.
He's living a life of hell in the 1100 block N. Johnson and Icemorlee St in Monroe. The person who took the picture said, "He has a chain of about 4 feet, ribs showing and filthy food and water bowls with a moldy & broken down doghouse. He was very territorial when the picture was taken." You can hardly blame the poor fellow for being territorial. I mean, what does he have in life? A toy to play with? No. A dog bone? No. So what does he have? NOTHING and no help from society either.........until now. We simply can not tolerate this kind of animal treatment in our community any longer.
If that's not bad enough, we know of at least TWO reports that went into Monroe AC about this dog and the conditions have not changed. Why not?????
What kind of standards does this set for the city? For the county?
Is this owner of the Boxer on public assistance of any kind? This may be a sensitive subject but I'm bringing it up anyway. From all appearances it doesn't look like the dog's owner can afford to keep this dog. Wouldn't you agree? Can the owner even afford to care for herself much less a dog? It sure doesn't look like it.
Next Stop: Kerr St. Monroe---
It's a dead end street. When you turn onto the street, go about half way down (there are only about 10 houses), look to the right for a medium green house. Bingo! If you get there early enough, the crowing roosters will let you know you're at the right place. That's right, roosters & chickens.
Go in the back yard and guess who you might find. The JRT/mix, year old pup. You'll remember him from his photo in the first blog post.------->

I don't know if this is the same pen or a different one. Could one family really have two such nasty enclosures? Who keeps a family pet in these conditions? I mean really, who does this? Why is the community allowing it?
Ask the owner to see the 9 puppies in the house. Will they be banished to that nasty pen before long? Ask to see the Rabies certs of the JRT/mix and the mama dog.
If they tell you they've got a dog house, ask to see it. Take a closer look at what our volunteer saw. -------->
If they try to tell you that's really a skylight at the top, just arrest them.
While you're there, make sure you go next door to the house on the left to see the pregnant (?) Chihuahua. She's out back, chained up in a pen. Ask to see her Rabies cert too. How about just confiscating the dogs??? Enough already!
Note to the City Council:

Do something to fix this!
Remember, keep checking back. The finish line in not in sight.
Thank you all for being so diligent!! I hope we can continue to make a positive change for the welfare of these innocent animals.