Section V. E. number 2 states:
It shall be the duty of the owner or keeper to provide his animal or animals with proper shelter and protection from the weather, sufficient and wholesome food and water to keep his animal or animals in good health and comfort, the opportunity for vigorous daily exercise, veterinary care when needed to prevent suffering, and humane care and treatment.
E. Seizure and Impoundment
Be responsible for the seizure and impoundment, where deemed necessary, of any dog or other animal in Union County in a violation of this or any other County ordinance or state law.
F. Cruelty
Investigate cruelty or abuse with regard to animals.
1. Vigorous exercise for this fellow? Food? Water? Maybe in that nasty container to the right. Comfort? No comfort in dragging around a logging chain, that's for sure.
2. Look at this large tan fellow. Where's his dog house? There is none. What you're looking at is a carrying kennel, in two pieces. What does he do when it rains or is freezing cold? Where's his water? Food? By the way, when our person with the camera first started watching this dog, he weighed around 80 pounds. He's getting thinner by the day.
3. This little fellow is on a 2 foot chain. Vigorous exercise? Water? Not in those containers laying on the ground. But he couldn't get to them anyway, not with that 2 foot chain Food? Maybe it's in that aluminum pot but again, he can't get to it.
4. Look at this mama dog and her puppies. See where the puppies are; that's a section of fencing leaning against the air conditioner in order to make a pen. Wondering about their dog house? Check out the next picture.
5. The "dog house" is on it's side with one of the pups standing on top of it. In such an enclosure they'd have no choice but to be standing in their own feces. Does jumping up & down on that nasty overturned dog house count as "vigorous exercise"? Not in any civilized community that I know of, it doesn't.
6. This unlucky dog was found to be chained to the car. Humane care and treatment?
7. Where's the food? The water? The comfort? The "humane care and treatment"? Notice the $ sign at the top of the dog house. What on earth is that all about?
8. While we on the subject of signs, how about this one. Does anyone know what it stands for?
Part 1: Sutherland & E. East Ave part of town: 1. Vigorous exercise for this fellow? Food? Water? Maybe in that nasty container to the right. Comfort? No comfort in dragging around a logging chain, that's for sure.
2. Look at this large tan fellow. Where's his dog house? There is none. What you're looking at is a carrying kennel, in two pieces. What does he do when it rains or is freezing cold? Where's his water? Food? By the way, when our person with the camera first started watching this dog, he weighed around 80 pounds. He's getting thinner by the day.
3. This little fellow is on a 2 foot chain. Vigorous exercise? Water? Not in those containers laying on the ground. But he couldn't get to them anyway, not with that 2 foot chain Food? Maybe it's in that aluminum pot but again, he can't get to it.
4. Look at this mama dog and her puppies. See where the puppies are; that's a section of fencing leaning against the air conditioner in order to make a pen. Wondering about their dog house? Check out the next picture.
5. The "dog house" is on it's side with one of the pups standing on top of it. In such an enclosure they'd have no choice but to be standing in their own feces. Does jumping up & down on that nasty overturned dog house count as "vigorous exercise"? Not in any civilized community that I know of, it doesn't.
6. This unlucky dog was found to be chained to the car. Humane care and treatment?
7. Where's the food? The water? The comfort? The "humane care and treatment"? Notice the $ sign at the top of the dog house. What on earth is that all about?
8. While we on the subject of signs, how about this one. Does anyone know what it stands for?
What I've shown is only a fraction of what's there. Take a drive and you'll see for yourself. In case anyone is wondering, Animal Control was called twice about these dogs. To date, nothing has been done. Do you think these dogs have had their legally required Rabies vaccines?
Part 2:
Now, on to another section of downtown Monroe. This is in the Benton Heights area.

up to where the dogs live. Those are beer cans strewn all over the place. If the people live this way, imagine how the dogs are living.
Getting curious about the dogs? Lets go to the next picture.
2. This year old puppy is living chained up inside a trash filled pen. Dog house? He couldn't even get to it. Food? Maybe on those nasty paper plates but from the looks of it, it seems like he's started chewing on the plates!
Please tell me who could consider this "humane care and treatment".3. RESCUED. Below you'll see another year old pup, chained outside the pen with no water. To the rear you'll see a microwave. Was the pup supposed to warm his food?
But, there was an angel sitting on this little guy's shoulder. He was given up into rescue. Why? We have no idea. Probably because the lousy owners said he was a biter. But guess what? He wasn't. He turned out to be the sweetest thing imaginable without an aggressive bone in his little body. We figure the owners said that about him to justify giving him a life of misery, chained outside with no comfort or socialization.

Had enough? We're not done. Lets turn the camera to the next door neighbor's white Chihuahua.

The county laws on the books would handle this if this were in the county. To say the City of Monroe animal control law are lacking is an understatement. How can this be? Do county laws take over where city laws are lacking? See the link in the sidebar for the city laws. Looks to me that the City Council needs to get busy.
City of Monroe, handle this!!
Feel free to leave a comment! The city officials need to know how their taxpaying citizens feel about this black eye that's currently sitting on the face of the city.
FYI - the incorporated area of the City of Monroe has its own code of ordinances, seperate from the Union County ordinances. Union County ordinances only apply to the unincorporated areas of Monroe. This is very important to know for legal and enforcement purposes. If you don't know whether you are in the incorporated City limits or in the unincorporated area, you can use the mapping system found on the Union County web site to find out.
ReplyDeleteVery sad, monroe is a very nasty place. You see so much of this trash and animal abuse. The officials who are supposed to inforce the laws and ordinances are just as low down and trashy as the people who create this mess, if not they would have a problem with it as well. Your looking at it Monroes finest!
ReplyDeletewhere can we send pictures? I am glad someone finally noticed the suffering.
DeleteI think it would be easier to send the url to the blog than copying & sending the pics. As to where; send it to any place or person who you think should know.
We are hoping the City of Monroe officials will take notice and end the cruel, inhumane way some dogs are kept.
Also, if you wish to contact the Monroe officials, the contacts on the right sidebar all have email links.
Thank you for writing and helping with this project.
I'm wondering if Kelly meant where to send pictures to be included in this blog?
DeleteOMGosh,you are so right! Of course that's what she meant. If anyone wants to send photos use this email address:
Make sure to put the name of the street.
Thank you for bringing awareness of this atrocity! It's time for Union County and the city of Monroe to get up to speed with the rest of the country where humane treatment of the animals is the norm. It's time for this county to clean up it's own back yard!
ReplyDeletethese are very disturbing pictures to me ,how could any one treat any animal like this , something really has to be done about this . just think if they care for thier animal like this ,how do they care for the children !!!
ReplyDeleteI have done some "slum rescue" and have actually been to a couple of these locations recently. I have seen the dogs and puppies and know about the situations first hand... First of all we have to handle these people with kid gloves while trying to get these dogs out of the abuse. Next you must step up and tell officials what and where it is happening. These people are ignorant for the most part. Many are uneducated and fear authority figures such asa Animal Control or the Sherriff department. They will often talk to and work with kind people who are offering help to them and the dogs. You cannot go into these "slum yards" with guns blazing and angry words as it would only back fire and hurt the pets we are so concerned about helping. Pray for those of us who rescue these dogs and support SMALL rescue groups who are in the trenches doing the city dirty work. It takes all we can do not to blast these people and scream angry ugly words at them for the way they have been treating the pets but they would just throw us off their property and likely call county officials on us! I may get to save the puppies that are just a couple of weeks old pictured here and pray they stay safe and healthy until I am able to find a way to get them out of this mess. My biggest fear is that they end up as bait dogs because of the amount of chained bully dogs within walking distance from the location...And all it will take is for some of these dog fighting people to offer them a little cash for the puppies...Doing all we can to see this NEVER happens and begging them to spay the mom at our expense. Pray for these dogs and put pressure on town officials to stop talking and start saving lives! SUPPORT SMALL LOCAL rescue instead of sending your money to huge USA corporate funded rescue groups who are doing little or nothing to help pets like this in our backyards!
DeleteThis is just one of many abhorrent things Monroe Law Enforcement have done (or not done) that are coming to light. To all of these people, I suggest pointing these out to state officials in Raleigh, and possibly get the media involved. Until they are shamed publicly, nothing will change. My own neighbor has a dog unchained and has already attacked 2 children, yet they refuse to do anything because nobody saw it. Sad. Monroe needs to get on the ball here before it does blow up and their lazy, pathetic and moronic lack of enforcement goes public and launches an SBI inquiry.
ReplyDeleteFYI again - Sometimes you have to be smart and use an indirect method to get The City people out to see first hand what you really want them to see.
ReplyDeleteThere are ordinances that prohibit the accumulation of trash. It's under the City of Monroe's public nuisance ordinance (Chapter 93, I think). But, like with anything else of this nature, neighbors have to file complaints, and you can do it anonymously if you fear retaliation from your scumbag neighbors (and this IS a valid fear in these areas). Try the Code Enforcment and the Planning Departments. I know for a fact that code enforcement will issue citations if rubbish isn't cleaned up. If you don't get satisfaction from those departments, move your complaints up the ladder, send pictures (some that include the dogs living among the filth), describe the odors, and mention how your neighbor's undesirable habits are having a negative impact on your quality of life.
This won't solve the problem of dogs being chained, but it is one way to get City people out to see the problem and get these poor dogs noticed, and also to AT LEAST try to get their living areas cleaned up to begin with. Remember, our animal welfare laws are weak so use any law you can to stir 'em up, and get the dogs noticed face to face.
The people of that community should rally together, put a pettition on and circulate far and wide, maybe even go to the media....perhaps the local government will be ashamed of their apathy and be mobilized...if you have enough petitions, send them to your governor by certified mail and make them accountable; make enough noise until these animals are seized from their owners and the perpetrators charged with felony animal cruelty.
ReplyDeleteI have personally observed these filthy & sickening conditions for far too long and have contacted animal control over the years, however, to no avail to aide these helpless dogs... I still have seen the same 'pets', as you would, 'chained' and kept cruely & inhumanely left alone outside without proper food, water &/or shelter during the harsh elements & without any regard for their socialization whatsoever. I am so happy to 'finally' read that our neighbors are rallying together against the perpetrators who have created these sickening conditions for these innocent & helpless dogs. These animals have no voice and need us to help them now!!! They have waited long enough... Please post any additional information that will enable expedient care and concern to these severely abused and neglected animals. I would be more than happy to volunteer my time & energy to help.
ReplyDeleteWow, I am so sad to say I live in this county when I see these images. I knew we lived in a backwards county and state but this is so awful because they will do nothing about it. I am so sorry to say I was born in this state and I certainly do not take pride in living in Union County. It is time for us to take a stand and campaign against our elected officials expecially the sheriff who is in charge of the animal control. Thank you for posting this.
ReplyDeleteThe dogs featured so far, are all in the city of Monroe. They have their own Animal Control and their own animal laws. The people who need to take care of this are the mayor, city council and police. Monroe animal control is under the police department.
DeleteContact info is listed in the right sidebar for the Monroe gov officials.
OMG! has anyone reported this to the Humane Society or the SPCA? Are they able to seize the animals, or at least give them some food and water? This breaks my heart, and makes me sick to my stomach. Some people are so ignorant and cruel.
ReplyDeleteEveryone involved in the deplorable treatment of these animals should be ashamed as should the people who allow it to happen. How can people turn a blind eye to such inhumane treatment.
ReplyDeleteThe property owner names are public them and turn the heat up to boil!
ReplyDeleteHell yeah, we be glad to send you pictures and street names!! This is wonderful!!!! Thank you Blogger.... BLOG ON
ReplyDeleteWonderful idea to expose the cruelty that the government officials getting paid to enforce laws and address situations like this are obviously turning a blind eye too. If they wasn't half the uptown streets wouldn't have ended up looking like this to start with. The sad part is that the sanitation dept, monroe animal control, and department of social services have not done their jobs. A daycare is located right in the middle of all this mess, wonder how long it will be before one of those starving dogs gets free from its chain and makes one of the many children its meal, survival kicks in at some point on any animal, I would imagine even more quickly when chained up in a back yard and smelling food inside the house a few feet away being cooked a few times a day. Then it will be a breed issue like always, a dangerous dog as they always like to call it when in all reality it was a good potential pet gone bad due to living in conditions such as this. I for one will take pictures everyday, if you can't get them to do their job shame them into it! Love the blog
ReplyDeleteNothing ever gets done until the media gets the pics and story to Charlotte news organizations and see how fast the law enforcement in Monroe starts doing something about it!
ReplyDeleteHow about sharing your blog with penny eims of the National Examiner. It will get a lot of exposure on Facebook. Speaking of Facebook - do you have a page there. Have any of these precious souls been rescued other than the little one outside the pen/
ReplyDeleteJust this morning I too thought of Penny Eims so yes, I must do that. For anyone else who wants to email her:
DeleteWe don't have a Facebook page. Many people are sharing it on their FB and that's definitely working.
As far as we know, NONE of the pictured dogs have been rescued other than the one Doxie mix that was pictured outside the pen.
I contacted the Capital of NC that handles our district here in Union County and received the following information for all of us to use in order to aide us in our help for these helpless dogs.
ReplyDeleteHOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES - 919-733-7928
Justin Burr @
D. Craig Horn @
Frank McGuirt @
SENATOR, Tommy Tucker,
Dear Moderator, I made a post requesting the addresses of these locations in order to let the authorities know the whereabouts of these situations are in order to handle them. Will they be to no avail. to me/us? How much further can I/we help without this pertinent information?
ReplyDeleteJo Ann,
ReplyDeletePlease see the current post with the letter from Union County AC.
I'm not trying to be cryptic but I don't have the exact addresses at this point. I have asked the volunteers for them. What I do know is the general areas and even a couple streets which I have put in red in response to AC's concerns. That should be enough for anyone to go see what our volunteers saw. That's how they got most of the pictures; they opened their car windows and pointed their cameras.
I think at this point the best avenue for reporting incidents of abuse / neglect is to use the Monroe Police Department which is over Animal Control AND give the same report to the Union County Animal Control. The contact info the county AC is in the email in the current post.
I also think rather than going to state officials who I expect will just yawn (because this is a local matter) is to call the Monroe officials and ask what they're going to do about this. It's in their backyard.
this is unbeleivable and so disheartening and disgusting that human beings are LESS caring that any other animal on the planet. someone needs to stand up IN Monroe and handle this abhorrable situation.
ReplyDeleteDear Moderator,
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind & expedient response. I have happily read the response from Lt. Michelle Starnes & are also attaching 2 additional photos with street addresses. More phone calls to the local authorities will continue to follow! I am so grateful this serious matter is "finally" being addressed on a grander scale! Thank you all so much. I can sleep a little better tonight now knowing that help is on the way...
It's been long known that Union County is the armpit of the area in more ways than one, but their animal welfare stands far and above as one of the worst. The good ole boy network is firmly entrenched and WILL NOT CHANGE until the general populace of Union County wakes up. This county has grown by leaps and bounds over the last 10-15 years. There's a lot of money in the county now, upscale neighborhoods, etc. Monroe alone does not make Union County. A large scale effort needs to be made by involving the mass media and getting ALL residents of UC educated as to what is going on/not going on. Forget Raleigh. They could care less. Remember the series that the Charlotte Observer ran several years ago aptly called "Death at the Pound"? If the local newspapers won't get involved, let's see if the Observer will. Tons of negative press is always a great incentive for change. Education of the public, education of the public, education of the public. And a Facebook page is definitely needed. I could go on and on. I don't even live in UC but I'm acutely aware of how awful it is. ANYTHING I can do to help I will. And I don't plan on hiding behind "anonymous". My name is Renee Crenshaw and I live in York County, SC, previously from Charlotte. I'm an animal advocate AND PROUD OF IT. Please feel free to contact me. I'm sure there is someone behind this blog who knows me.
ReplyDeleteThank you Renee for your great comment. Yes, I'm sure there is someone behind this blog who knows you. Meow.
DeleteThis must be stopped and NOW!
ReplyDeleteTHIS MUST BE STOPPED NOW! This is deplorable, goes over and abive cruelty and abuse. How do you people sleep at nightz.
ReplyDeleteTerrible for the innocent animals who live in these conditions. I have rescued a few dogs from situations such as these over the years .It takes alot of work to get the dog sociable and healthy from being in those kinds of conditions. In a perfect world I wish people wouldn't get a pet unless they were going to be completely responsible for it .Taking care of a pet is work but it is work that will bring you rewards and joy to your life. Please think before getting any kind of animal ...can you afford to care for it ? do you have time for it ? Can you be completely responsible for it ? Most important can you love it ? Take the time to think before making that decision.
ReplyDeleteGOOD NEWS! While canvassing the local area & finding another, "SLUMDOG" without adequate shelter, I came across a caring & concerned P.O. that immediately contacted AC, who responded immediately to the call. We went to the residence and it was observed that this particular dog is in need of a doghouse, as he had NONE. AC will speak with the owner to make sure a house is provided ASAP. I must admit, the AC Officer was very concerned, polite & extremely caring and helpful. It was a pleasure to see that he genuinely cares for the welfare of these animals and not just a paycheck.
ReplyDeleteHello All
ReplyDeleteI stumbled onto this site from my friends FB. I am from NY and I must say that I am appalled at what is happening in this NC County.
How can the Mayor and other elected officials be turning a blind eye on the plight of these neighborhoods?
How can a civilized people do absolutley nothing to prevent this cruelty to these helpless animals?
Is this a southern thing, or is it just that these elected officials are just dopes that got into office?
All I can say is that I hope this grass roots group of volunteers is successful at getting the word out. And if the elected politicians continue to do nothing about this...organize and vote the bums out!
Good Luck
Dear "NY",
DeleteThank you for caring enough for taking the time and expressing your genuine concern. Please feel free to spread the word...These suffering animals need all the help they can get!! Your support is GREATLY Appreciated!!
Your Friend...
IMPORTANT UPDATE: 243 E. EAST AVE., MONROE - PUPPIES AGST. HOUSE w/FENCE & 1 SHELTER. I went to the home with a Captain & an Officer of the Monroe P.D. who were MORE than accomodating to me & overly concerned about the welfare of this situation as well as all we have reported and many more... In any event, the owner was willing to surrender the 2 of the 3 puppies free and clear. One of the puppies is rehomed. Currently I have a girl. There is a boy at the premises & the owner still wants to surrender the male as well. I told him we need to set up fosters/rehoming for him before I can come back. I believe the pupppy will be inside, but I cannot be certain... I will also need a rescue for the female that I currently have as well. The puppies are approx. 12 wks. young, wormed & UTD on their vaccines & deflead believe it or not. The Captain & I saw the receipt which the Owner needs to show AC. I am asking at this time for your help in rehoming these two (2), pups ASAP, as I can only foster for a short time due to my living circumstances. Thank you for your continued help.
ReplyDeleteI applaud this blog and the volunteers doing this 'job'