Saturday, February 11, 2012

Project Slum Dogs: In The News

Monroe's Enquirer Journal, front page.

Here's a link:
Go to the top right of that page to sign up to read the article.  It's free and easy to do.  It will allow you to read the articles on the front page.
We're very happy that our local paper ran the story.  We think she did a fine job reporting the laws that were not being followed.  We also appreciate that she cleared up confusion regarding how many dogs a person in Monroe may own that are over 4 months of age.  The number is 2.

Sadly, it doesn't appear to be against any law to make a family pet live in filth, chained up inside a pen.  Why have the dog in the first place?  Why not just get a stuffed animal? Is a chained dog, inside a pen getting daily "vigorous exercise"?   Is anyone enforcing that law?

Project Slum Dogs isn't about tattling on negligent owners.  It is about trying to improve conditions for the pets in our community if  the owners aren't doing it.  And we will continue.

There's no finish line in sight.


  1. The ordinances MUST be changed. The City of Monroe Code of Ordinances, as well as the Union County ordinances and even the NC state statutes are weak, and often will not hold up in a court of law. Study ordinances and read your case laws! You will see that there are many loopholes in these ordinances that allow these perpetrators to get away with what they are doing.

    As far as I know, at this time the Town of Waxhaw is the only municipality in Union County that addresses the chaining of dogs in their ordinances, but if you read that ordinance you will see that it is a joke and would never stand up in a court of law. An ordinance MUST be well worded and clearly defined for it to be of any use to make changes.

    As for the rest of Union County and municipalities, dogs can legally be chained out 24/7, from puppyhood to death. This is abominable, the ability to legally chain dogs like this is the root cause of much of this this weather like tonight, even if a chained dog has a dog house it will still freeze.

    Nobody should be allowed to chain their dogs out 24 hours per day, and when this chaining is addressed by the City Council with the implimentation of ordinances that CLEARLY and specifically prohibit this lifetime chaining, a lot of this suffering will end.

  2. Change needs to be state wide.I was in Columbus County while traveling and called constantly on dogs that were in dire straits.The police told me that they didnt have animal control and that the two surrounding counties shared the pick up of animals . They told me that they would leave a message and if someone was in the area ,they would pick the dog up. I traveled in this area,many times to find myself pulling over on the side of the road to feed a stray dogs roaming along Hwy 74.This area is rual and they have a large population of foxes with rabies.You would think that they would at the least, want to keep their counties safe.I had a fox to run up to me in a well populated neighborhood and attack my dog who was on a leash.The people that govern these counties need to be held accountable.

  3. You animal activist are crazy, they are animals. As long as they have food water and shelter, they are fine. And to the post about the dogs being on a chain will freeze even if they have a dogs house. So, if they were in a fence with a dog house that they wont freeze. GIVE ME A BREAK. You people need to find other things to do then to take up the public officals time on this. Am sure they are doing their job just fine with out your help. So, do something useful like getting your toe nails painted.

    1. I decided to post your insane, possibly drunken, comment for all to see what we're up against. It serves as a good reminder and will actually strengthen people's desires to continue to help these animals.

    2. I think the insanity is that you have the nerve to state an opinion while enjoying your air conditioned home and car. You have a freedom of movement unless your in jail. And, oh yeah, jailing people is a punishment, so what makes the jailing of an animal differnt? Have you even experienced the pleasure of an animal as a friend?
