Saturday, April 14, 2012

Davidson BANS Tethering !!!!

Read all about it:

Here's a link to their animal control ordinances, all 46 pages!!!

I only did a quick read of the ordinances but they're well thought out.  Someone put some time into this.  If they can do it, so can Monroe.   All you need to do is copy theirs. 


  1. Finally! some progressive humane thinking & action for the dogs!! Hoping the reformed ordinances are observed and shared by other NC Counties as well as other States. Great job Davidson!!

  2. Hey I was doing some research the other day and came across the Cooalition to Unchain Dogs website. They have chapters across the state including one in Charlotte. Thought it might be worth your time to contact them and inquire about the way they operate and such. Just a suggestion. Hope you guys are doing good haven't heard from anyone in a while.
